好開心搵到你地為我雞蛋仔影相 ~ 你地團隊好專業完全可以放心放手交低俾你地自由發揮 ~ 完全可以為我們一家留下珍貴又美好時刻
Salad Lui
好多謝攝影師 Coral 及團隊為我 Bella BB影上門 New Born,其實BB已經over40日超齡,不過 Mouton 團隊仍然可以拍出NB效果。團隊十分專業,有耐性,啲道具亦好靚。之前有擔心BB未必可以拍攝3小時都乖乖合作,Mouton團隊原來早有準備加細心安撫BB,拍家庭照要兼顧BB加狗狗都拍好多take追求更好,整個過程及收到既精修相都十分滿意。
Renee Siu
一心諗住上Studio影New Born,但又因為私人原因所以錯過左最佳拍攝時期,周圍揾之下,一d就只有上門,一d就話已經過左時期,做唔到New Born效果!好彩最終揾到 Mouton!仲已經標明有 XL New Born, 太開心!攝影師Coral 同助手姐姐都好有耐性,對bb完全有一手, 好放心交阿囡俾佢地!阿囡咁醒瞓都搞得掂,真係好開心揾左你地呀!當晚仲即刻收到3張精修相,好靚好鍾意,期待其他靚相!
Dorothy Tse
Our Chief Photographer - Coral POON
Coral is passionate in recording the beautiful moments of life for her clients. Since 2013, Coral has conducted over thousands of maternity and newborn photoshooting sessions, but she never stopped exploring new inspiration and finessing her skills.
Her artworks were well recognized at world class photography contests.

Our Studio
Our studio has over six meters wide French window which make shooting with natural light a perfect idea, moreover the space is cozy, clean and baby-friendly. We wish every client having a remarkable experiences with us.
Why us ?

Some may ask, most babies keep their eyes closed right after birth, will every photo look the same? Why not simply take a selfie?
We make a huge difference!
Awarded Photography Masterpieces
These awards actually belong to our Mouton Team.
To walk such a distance to present day, we rely on the heart-united team that pay their greatest effort all the time.
More importantly is the support from our babies’ mothers, they motivate our Mouton team to try more new styles and move ahead.
All thanks to the recognition and encouragement from the judges, pushing us to be better, to strive for excellence, and to capture the amazing moments of our babies!