辛苦曬你地 bb扭計都好有耐性tum佢 超時工作都完全無唔耐煩 thanks so much
Wing Yan Yan
Efficient and caring photographer.
Sergio Da Silva
我同bb 影new born。攝影師同助手都好有心機,BB肚餓喊會幫手餵奶。又教爸爸媽媽擺post。而且唔會因爲超時而趕收工,值得推薦。
Cindy Lam

Awarded Photography Masterpieces

These awards actually belong to our Mouton Team.
To walk such a distance to present day, we rely on the heart-united team that pay their greatest effort all the time. 
More importantly is the support from our babies’ mothers, they motivate our Mouton team to try more new styles and move ahead.
All thanks to the recognition and encouragement from the judges, pushing us to be better, to strive for excellence, and to capture the amazing moments of our babies!
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